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Małgorzata Ilnicka 

Experienced strategist and manager in the BPO/SSC sector, on the accounting, tax and financial services market and in the consulting industry. Professional interest and development area lies in the corporate reorganization and restructuring process, defining growth and change strategies, project management methods and techniques in the traditional and adaptive approach, and designing organisational structures in businesses.

Specializes in strategic management in industry reviews and implementation of solutions

to streamline corporate management processes. Working in economic business management

and growth strategy consultancy, designing management systems, corporate growth financing,

competitive advantage and management quality surveys.

Over 14 years of experience with design and implementation of ISO Quality Management

Systems and assimilation of advanced IT solutions for Polish and international corporations.

In charge of full registration and winding-up processes for limited liability companies, branches

and Permanent Establishments.

The originator and founder of an organisation aimed at providing complex support to corporate

accounts, mainly international clients, in the critical areas of market functioning of an advanced,

competitive business (accounting, HR & payroll, tax consultancy), along with business consultancy,

Enterprise Cost Management, or restructuring projects.

12 years of experience as a Managing Director for an outsourcing company in the field of 

accounting, HR/payroll, legal/tax consultancy services. Created and implemented a rapid growth

and expansion strategy, covering Poland and foreign markets alongside operating her business


CEO at BUSINESS CREATION project, a comprehensive outsourcing initiative supporting Polish and foreign investors in the development of their business. Previous major roles: CEO/CSO for a business from the BPO sector – a part of a Group listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2006, carried out a comprehensive restructuring, reorganization and rebranding project of an eight-year-old company, creating the Shared Services Center (SSC) for the group and introducing services for Polish and foreign corporate clients. Previously Chief Strategy & Development Officer and Commercial Proxy, defining the growth strategy, implementing innovations in a business organisation operating for over 25 years on the market, involved in outsourcing of accounting, HR Management, Payroll, legal and tax consultancy services for Polish and international businesses.


Cooperates directly with the strategic accounts acquired from across the United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Finland, Scandinavian countries, Japan, and China.

Since 2010 Director/Management Representative/Commercial Proxy of the foreign company Branch in Poland. In this capacity, represents the interests of a large corporation operating in the architecture/construction sector on 4 continents, employing approx. 6k people. Worked also in representative positions for various other companies.

Authored such publications as: ‘Business Mobile Revolution’, Outsourcing & More magazine, issue 5/2013 (September/October), Rzeczpospolita, Polish Economy, Market Relations, 2013-09-09 no. 210 (9634), or Gazeta Prawna, 2013-07-14, as well as publications and trainings for the largest International Chambers of Commerce in Poland. Speaker at a conference held at Expo 2013 International Fair, presenting advanced IT system solutions in outsourcing of professional services. Expert at conference organized by Rzeczpospolita - Shared & Business Services Congress 2021, Variable Reality, 5th edition, 2021-10-20/21, presenting Modern Business Services, particularly KIPS strategies in Poland, in the lecture “BPO/SSC development strategy & brand building by the Vistula River – case study. Contemporary and future challenges.”

Completed a Master’s program at the faculty of Management and Marketing, Koźmiński University, specializing in Economic Psychology.

Fluent in business English, particularly in negotiations, marketing, finance, accounting, and commercial law.

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